Friday 21 November 2008

Baby P

Everybody has read about it. Everybody has had his or her say on the subject. Everyone in this country will know the name of Baby P tortured and killed at the hands of the people that were meant to love and protect him. And what's more it was seen by the people paid and trained to protect him and they did nothing about it.

Many people have had their say on this, described the mothers lifestyle, spoken out about social services and some have even defended their work. I am a care worker and having spent time working closely with social services and working with abused children and children in care i feel it's time I had my say. After reading the injuries I don't believe that even the bravest man could read without feeling sad and a little sick. I know I did.

Baby P. No one knows his real name only the face of a blonde blue-eyed boy playing happily at home. Unfortunately his home was where his mother, a porn loving twisted women, his step dad, a Nazi body builder, and his brother Jason Owen, a peadophile living with his 15 year old girlfriend, also resided.

I believe we can question the Human Rights Act here. For many years many people have said the victims have no rights but the criminals do. At times I have believed this and at others I wouldn't care less. In this case that statement can easily be true. How is it that a child can die at their hands but as so far the evil step dad who trained dogs to bite a babies head, and punching a small child in the face can still remain anonymous. How could a sick bastard like him have any right's what's so ever? Surely he can't, for sure his step son didn't. The same goes for his twisted mother. Why should she be protected from people that hate her.

Secondly, two weeks ago it was discussed in Parliament about what should be done about two adults acting like little children and upsetting an old man. Obviously this is the case of Jonathon Ross and Russell Brand. It was in the newspapers, everyone was out raged, MP's and government officials called for sackings. And you know what, people have been sacked. And it only took a week.

A child has been tortured to death by his family, people are outraged, people are calling for sackings, paper's are livid the nation is pretty much one on this. So why are those social workers still in their highly paid jobs or even allowed to question their sackings for compensation. The BBC has nothing to do with the government but it was still spoke of in Parliament. Even the PM has something to say about Russell Brand so why has he not spoken out upon this.

The head of the social services in Haringey, Sharon Shoesmith, has refused to apologise and said no one, including herself, would be losing their jobs over this. There is an obvious problem in social work at this moment in time and it needs to be addressed. Social workers are too polite, to scared, and to damn weak to upset anyone, thus putting a child's life at risk.

I have worked with a guy in my past who I felt wasn't getting his benefits from his family. When I reported this to his social worker no help was given. He put steps in place to help the family and stop any investigation as he was to scared to stand up to them and didn't want the hassle. My manager, however, was outraged and storm through the offices shouting that this would get sorted. And it did. She went over everyones head to his manager. So there are some people out there who care about the children they look after.

Social work is a hard job. You have long hours and alot of paper work. The things you have to deal with are sad and heart wrenching. I remember working closely with social workers in the past and having to write reports on what I had seen and I remember getting home and drinking alot just to help me feel better. But social workers know that this is what they have to do when they applied for the job and above that we get paid well to do it.

The difference between my story above and the one of Baby P's social workers is that I did my job even though sometimes it gets scary and you have to upset people but his workers were to scared to do their jobs. I've had to check a house of children, check upstairs to make sure no one was there that weren't aloud to be there. I've been refused entry and stood my ground; my manager has had death threats, and called the police but its our job's and even if we were hated by parents or whoever we did our jobs for the safety of the children and that means I can sleep soundly at night.

Social workers do get slated when crimes like this happen. But not all of us are letting it. Unfortunately in this world more concerned about Human Rights and political correctness the workers that do speak out are silenced, forced out of jobs ,or in Baby P's case, told there was not enough evidence.

What's more is that even though Gordon Brown has said he will try anything to make sure this never happens again, just as it was said after the Victoria Climbie case, until the people responsible for his death are named and locked up for murder, and the workers that didn't do anything to stop the abuse are sacked and taken to court, Baby P will not be the last child that will undergo a short and terrible life.

R.I.P Baby P
Gone But Never Forgotton

Ian Mccreery

1 comment:

LB said...

I have just read this article and I agree with the writers comments. Where is the justice?? How can a man so evil be placed in a cushy cell, once used by Ian Huntley, to protect him considering the evil he has committe? How can a mother upon release, which should never happen, be given new identity? Where is the justice?? The Human Rights Act needs to change to support those that are subject to evil cruel acts and not support those that commit evil cruel acts. If things don't change there will be anarchy as people wil start taking matters into their own hands. Things need to change and they need to change fast.